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Real-world results from Juniper’s digital weight loss service in Germany

World-first study reveals significant weight loss outcomes from Juniper’s German platform

Published in the Journal of Obesities
Medically reviewed by
Dr Louis Talay
Dr Matthew Vickers
Last updated
4 min read
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Key takeaways

  • On average, Juniper Germany participants lost 9.52% of their baseline weight after 5 months.
  • 81.51% lost a clinically meaningful amount of weight of 5% or more.
  • These results show that email-based health coaching, combined with GLP-1 medication, can lead to significant weight loss in overweight and obese patients.

How much weight did patients lose on the Juniper programme in Germany?

After several publications on Australian and UK cohorts, a recent study in Obesities sought to assess the effectiveness of the Juniper Germany weight-loss programme.

On average, participants lost 9.52% of their baseline weight after five months, with 81.51% of the cohort achieving clinically meaningful weight loss (5% or more).

These results indicate that email-based health coaching, when combined with GLP-1 RA therapy, can lead to substantial weight loss in patients with overweight and obesity in Germany.

The findings also suggest that this model of care, which offers flexibility and convenience, could be an effective alternative to more traditional face-to-face interventions, particularly for those who may find it difficult to attend regular in-person consultations.

How effective is an email-based digital weight loss programme?

Unlike traditional face-to-face programmes or other app-based versions of the Juniper programme available in other markets, the service in Germany was provided via email, giving participants standardised nutritional advice combined with semaglutide, a GLP-1 RA known for its effectiveness in aiding weight loss. The findings showed:

  • 81.51% of the cohort lost a clinically meaningful amount of weight (≥ 5%)
  • 45.14% lost at least 10% of their baseline weight and 14.17% lost at least 15%
  • Only 18 (1.88%) of the study’s 833 patients reported severe side effects

Significance of this research

As the first study to evaluate a semaglutide-supported DWLS in a real-world European setting, this trial provides crucial insights into the effectiveness of these programmes.

To draw further market comparison, Oviva in Germany is a direct competitor that offers standalone lifestyle intervention. The mean weight loss of this Juniper Germany cohort was over three times higher than the mean recorded in a 2024 Oviva cohort that ran for slightly longer (3.1% after 5.5 months).

The results indicate that email-based health coaching, when combined with GLP-1 RA therapy, can lead to substantial weight loss in patients with overweight and obesity in Germany, which may be positive news if extended across other variety of cultures as well. Overall, this study adds an important foundational layer to the scarce literature on real-world GLP-1 RA-supported DWLSs.

Medically reviewed by

Dr Louis Talay
Medical Research Lead | Eucalyptus
Dr Matthew Vickers
Clinical Director | Eucalyptus

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