
This is how long it can take to notice weight loss

If you've been wondering when your weight loss results will be visible, you're not alone.

Written by Lucinda Starr
Reviewed by Kevin Joshua, BSc, MRSPH
Last updated Mar 26, 2025
9 min read
8 References
This Is How Long It Can Take to Notice Weight Loss | Juniper
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Key takeaways

  • It may take 4-6 weeks to see initial changes, but the speed of visible results depends on your starting weight, body composition, and how consistently you follow your weight loss plan. While early weight loss may involve shedding water and muscle, actual fat loss occurs more significantly in the maintenance stage.
  • Losing weight doesn’t necessarily mean you're losing fat. Muscle loss can hinder long-term weight maintenance, so it's important to focus on fat loss rather than just the number on the scale. A body fat scale can help you track progress more accurately.
  • Weight loss plateaus are common, especially in the maintenance phase. To break through a plateau, review your exercise routine, diet, sleep, and stress management.

One of the most commonly asked questions you might be asking during your weight loss journey is this: "How long does it take to notice weight loss?"

If you've been wondering when your weight loss results will be visible to you and everyone around you, you're not alone.

Luckily, we've got you covered with a complete guide on how to lose weight, what will likely happen along the way, and when you can expect to see your hard-earned weight loss results.

How does weight loss work?

If you've been trying to lose weight, you might have noticed a familiar piece of advice popping up over and over again: consume fewer calories and increase your physical activity.

While it can take some time to figure out just how to fit these both into your lifestyle, this is the go-to method for weight loss that's backed by science, and here's why.

Gaining weight typically follows a similar formula: you're likely consuming more calories than you're burning. So it follows that in order to lose weight you need to consume fewer calories or burn more calories through physical exercise, or both [1].

The way fat loss works is that, as you progress on your weight loss journey, your fat cells will actually shrink, and this is what creates the physical change you're probably wanting to see.

How long does it take to start losing weight?

When you're on a weight loss journey, it's common to wonder how long it will take to start seeing a difference in your body.

The good news is that once you start eating in a calorie deficit and increasing your energy output, you're on the right track to losing weight. But when you actually see or notice any physical changes will vary from person to person.

How long it takes to lose weight often depends on how much weight you want to shed at the beginning of the journey. If you're starting at a higher weight, you may have to put more into shedding those extra kilos, but remember with the right approach, weight loss is achievable for everyone.

There are 2 stages that most people go through when losing weight: the rapid weight loss stage, followed by the maintenance stage [2].

The rapid weight loss stage usually happens within the first 4-6 weeks and is usually the loss of carb stores, protein, and water weight. The maintenance stage is where most of the actual fat loss occurs [3].

So even if you see a drastic drop in body mass at the beginning of your weight loss journey, it's important to keep at it to make sure you put sustainable, holistic strategies in place to keep the weight off for good.

Where do you notice weight loss first?

So, you've started to make lifestyle changes like increasing your step count, reducing your intake of refined sugar and maybe you're even testing out a new exercise routine. These are all positive steps in the right direction towards losing weight.

But you're probably wondering when (and where) you'll first see those physical changes. Unfortunately, there's no one answer to this question. And that's because everybody stores fat in different ways.

Take this example: men tend to hold weight on their stomach area, and women are more likely to store fat on the thighs and hips. And when it comes to losing weight, men often initially lose stomach fat, whereas, for women, it's a little trickier to guess where the weight will come off first.

At the end of the day, you can't predict where you'll lose your body weight from first. Sure, targeting areas with resistance exercises can help tighten and tone those areas to appear leaner once body fat is lost, but you can't make your body lose fat in certain areas.

Instead, your main focus should be on making sustainable lifestyle changes and finding the right support to support your weight loss both now and in the years to come.

What happens when you start losing weight?

When you start shedding those extra kilos, you might notice your memory improves [4], you're in a better mood, and you're even sleeping better [5].

There is a stack of tangible health benefits to losing weight, and the list doesn't end there.

You may also notice your energy levels increase and your risk for high cholesterol and blood pressure will decrease, too. A lower weight can also help to reduce your risk of a range of more serious health conditions, such as heart-related complications, stroke, diabetes and osteoarthritis.

As you can see there are so many benefits to losing weight beyond watching the number on the scales drop. While seeing a physical difference in your body can be rewarding, it's also important to acknowledge and celebrate the other positive health benefits linked with losing weight.

What is a weight loss plateau?

Everyone's weight loss journey looks a little bit different. But a really common experience is something known as a weight loss plateau.

Weight loss plateaus tend to happen during the maintenance phase of your weight loss journey. Essentially, it's when your steady weight loss progress slows down or even stops altogether. This happens for a variety of reasons and is a completely normal part of the weight loss process.

The most common reason for a weight plateau is that your body is readjusting to your 'set point' [8]. This refers to your body's desired fat levels. As you lose weight, your body slows your metabolism and tries to store fat. That's because you have a higher set point.

Throughout your weight loss journey, your body will go through many set points, and weight loss plateaus are a completely normal part of that.

When you do encounter a weight loss plateau, there is a stack of practical adjustments you can make to get your progress back on track. Whether you adjust your exercise schedule, review your diet or explore other lifestyle changes (from prioritising sleep to lowering your stress levels).

While they can be discouraging, it's important to remember that plateaus are a normal and expected part of your weight loss journey. The best thing you can do is acknowledge what is happening, refocus on your long-term goals and take proactive steps to get your weight loss progress back on track.

Fat loss vs weight loss

So, you're noticing the numbers drop on the body weight scale. You might be wondering how much of that is from reducing your fat cells.

First, let's look at the difference between fat loss and weight loss. Weight loss refers to the total loss of weight from water, muscle and fat stores. On the flip side, fat loss refers only to the number of fat stores lost.

But why should you prioritise fat loss over overall weight loss, and how?

Well, that's because muscle loss can actually make it harder for you to maintain your lower weight in the long run. Muscle is metabolically active tissue, but fat tissue isn't. That means muscle mass requires energy to maintain. So having more muscle can see you burn energy- even at rest!

Want to check if you are losing fat or weight? Try switching from a body weight scale to a body fat scale for a more accurate look into your body composition.

When do other people generally notice weight loss?

There's a common saying that suggests it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice.

So, while you can look forward to feeling and looking better in just a matter of months, it is important to remember that consistency is key. Many people find the initial weight loss easier than maintaining it over time.

Plus, it's important to consider all the broader health benefits of weight loss (aside from the physical or aesthetic changes to your body). Your weight loss efforts can help you unlock better sleep, increased energy and even a better mood, too!

How to start losing weight

Ready to kick start your own weight loss journey? Luckily, there are some general rules to follow that will help you lose weight. By reducing your calorie intake and upping the intensity of your workouts, you'll put yourself on the right track to losing weight.

Maintaining a calorie deficit through a low-calorie diet with a low fat or carbohydrate intake is generally the most successful [6]. Depending on your desired weight loss speed, an average of caloric deficit of 500 calories per day is generally recommended as a great place to start [7].

On the exercise front, you should be aiming for 2-3 strength workouts per week, along with 2-3 cardio or HIIT workouts per week.

But the key is to start with small, incremental lifestyle changes and work your way up from there. Even boosting your step count by 1,000 steps per day is a great place to start, along with removing refined sugars, excess alcohol and sugary drinks from your diet.

Other ways to approach weight loss

Sometimes it can feel like you're doing everything right, but you're just not seeing the weight loss results you hoped for.

If you've made healthy diet plans and changes to your exercise routine but you're still struggling through the weight loss process, it might be time to consider weight loss medication under the advice of a healthcare professional.

A weight loss program that combines science-backed weight loss medication as well as lifestyle coaching and a supportive team of like-minded women (like Juniper) can help you reach your weight loss goals, holistically.

Juniper’s Weight Reset Programme uses Wegovy, a GLP-1 medication containing semaglutide, and combines it with a lifestyle and coaching programme for a biological and behavioural reset. That means you'll be able to make the life changes you need to shed that excess weight.

Medications like Wegovy are steadily becoming a popular weight loss solution, but they're not a silver bullet for losing weight. They're just one aspect of multiple lifestyle changes you will likely make to lose weight and keep it off.

The most sustainable way to lose weight is to ensure you are under the guidance of evidence-based healthcare professionals who know the ins and outs of weight loss. No 2 weight loss regimes will be the same, as every person's physical makeup is different.

If you want a tailored weight loss solution that is backed by a growing body of scientific evidence, have a look at Juniper's Weight Reset Programme.

Designed by medical doctors and dietitians, our programme includes tailored treatments, 1:1 health tracking, lifestyle coaching and access to a private community full of women who are on a similar health journey to you. We set you up to achieve long-term weight loss success and help you make a change in your life.

Curious about real patient outcomes? Explore Juniper before and after transformations.


How much weight do you lose before you notice?

According to the CDC, you need to lose 5-10% of your initial body weight to start noticing visible changes [9].

What are the first signs of weight loss?

Here are a few telltale signs you've started to lose weight: your clothes feel looser, your measurements have started to shift, you feel better (both physically and mentally), you're not constantly hungry, you've started to notice some muscle definition, and your chronic pain is improving.

Which body part loses fat first?

There's no one answer to this question — it's different for everyone. However, generally speaking, women may notice fat loss first in their lower body (so, hips, thighs, and buttocks), while men may notice it around their midsection.

Image credit: Getty Images

One of the most commonly asked questions you might be asking during your weight loss journey is this: "How long does it take to notice weight loss?"

If you've been wondering when your weight loss results will be visible to you and everyone around you, you're not alone.

Luckily, we've got you covered with a complete guide on how to lose weight, what will likely happen along the way, and when you can expect to see your hard-earned weight loss results.

How does weight loss work?

If you've been trying to lose weight, you might have noticed a familiar piece of advice popping up over and over again: consume fewer calories and increase your physical activity.

While it can take some time to figure out just how to fit these both into your lifestyle, this is the go-to method for weight loss that's backed by science, and here's why.

Gaining weight typically follows a similar formula: you're likely consuming more calories than you're burning. So it follows that in order to lose weight you need to consume fewer calories or burn more calories through physical exercise, or both [1].

The way fat loss works is that, as you progress on your weight loss journey, your fat cells will actually shrink, and this is what creates the physical change you're probably wanting to see.

How long does it take to start losing weight?

When you're on a weight loss journey, it's common to wonder how long it will take to start seeing a difference in your body.

The good news is that once you start eating in a calorie deficit and increasing your energy output, you're on the right track to losing weight. But when you actually see or notice any physical changes will vary from person to person.

How long it takes to lose weight often depends on how much weight you want to shed at the beginning of the journey. If you're starting at a higher weight, you may have to put more into shedding those extra kilos, but remember with the right approach, weight loss is achievable for everyone.

There are 2 stages that most people go through when losing weight: the rapid weight loss stage, followed by the maintenance stage [2].

The rapid weight loss stage usually happens within the first 4-6 weeks and is usually the loss of carb stores, protein, and water weight. The maintenance stage is where most of the actual fat loss occurs [3].

So even if you see a drastic drop in body mass at the beginning of your weight loss journey, it's important to keep at it to make sure you put sustainable, holistic strategies in place to keep the weight off for good.

Where do you notice weight loss first?

So, you've started to make lifestyle changes like increasing your step count, reducing your intake of refined sugar and maybe you're even testing out a new exercise routine. These are all positive steps in the right direction towards losing weight.

But you're probably wondering when (and where) you'll first see those physical changes. Unfortunately, there's no one answer to this question. And that's because everybody stores fat in different ways.

Take this example: men tend to hold weight on their stomach area, and women are more likely to store fat on the thighs and hips. And when it comes to losing weight, men often initially lose stomach fat, whereas, for women, it's a little trickier to guess where the weight will come off first.

At the end of the day, you can't predict where you'll lose your body weight from first. Sure, targeting areas with resistance exercises can help tighten and tone those areas to appear leaner once body fat is lost, but you can't make your body lose fat in certain areas.

Instead, your main focus should be on making sustainable lifestyle changes and finding the right support to support your weight loss both now and in the years to come.

What happens when you start losing weight?

When you start shedding those extra kilos, you might notice your memory improves [4], you're in a better mood, and you're even sleeping better [5].

There is a stack of tangible health benefits to losing weight, and the list doesn't end there.

You may also notice your energy levels increase and your risk for high cholesterol and blood pressure will decrease, too. A lower weight can also help to reduce your risk of a range of more serious health conditions, such as heart-related complications, stroke, diabetes and osteoarthritis.

As you can see there are so many benefits to losing weight beyond watching the number on the scales drop. While seeing a physical difference in your body can be rewarding, it's also important to acknowledge and celebrate the other positive health benefits linked with losing weight.

What is a weight loss plateau?

Everyone's weight loss journey looks a little bit different. But a really common experience is something known as a weight loss plateau.

Weight loss plateaus tend to happen during the maintenance phase of your weight loss journey. Essentially, it's when your steady weight loss progress slows down or even stops altogether. This happens for a variety of reasons and is a completely normal part of the weight loss process.

The most common reason for a weight plateau is that your body is readjusting to your 'set point' [8]. This refers to your body's desired fat levels. As you lose weight, your body slows your metabolism and tries to store fat. That's because you have a higher set point.

Throughout your weight loss journey, your body will go through many set points, and weight loss plateaus are a completely normal part of that.

When you do encounter a weight loss plateau, there is a stack of practical adjustments you can make to get your progress back on track. Whether you adjust your exercise schedule, review your diet or explore other lifestyle changes (from prioritising sleep to lowering your stress levels).

While they can be discouraging, it's important to remember that plateaus are a normal and expected part of your weight loss journey. The best thing you can do is acknowledge what is happening, refocus on your long-term goals and take proactive steps to get your weight loss progress back on track.

Fat loss vs weight loss

So, you're noticing the numbers drop on the body weight scale. You might be wondering how much of that is from reducing your fat cells.

First, let's look at the difference between fat loss and weight loss. Weight loss refers to the total loss of weight from water, muscle and fat stores. On the flip side, fat loss refers only to the number of fat stores lost.

But why should you prioritise fat loss over overall weight loss, and how?

Well, that's because muscle loss can actually make it harder for you to maintain your lower weight in the long run. Muscle is metabolically active tissue, but fat tissue isn't. That means muscle mass requires energy to maintain. So having more muscle can see you burn energy- even at rest!

Want to check if you are losing fat or weight? Try switching from a body weight scale to a body fat scale for a more accurate look into your body composition.

When do other people generally notice weight loss?

There's a common saying that suggests it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice.

So, while you can look forward to feeling and looking better in just a matter of months, it is important to remember that consistency is key. Many people find the initial weight loss easier than maintaining it over time.

Plus, it's important to consider all the broader health benefits of weight loss (aside from the physical or aesthetic changes to your body). Your weight loss efforts can help you unlock better sleep, increased energy and even a better mood, too!

How to start losing weight

Ready to kick start your own weight loss journey? Luckily, there are some general rules to follow that will help you lose weight. By reducing your calorie intake and upping the intensity of your workouts, you'll put yourself on the right track to losing weight.

Maintaining a calorie deficit through a low-calorie diet with a low fat or carbohydrate intake is generally the most successful [6]. Depending on your desired weight loss speed, an average of caloric deficit of 500 calories per day is generally recommended as a great place to start [7].

On the exercise front, you should be aiming for 2-3 strength workouts per week, along with 2-3 cardio or HIIT workouts per week.

But the key is to start with small, incremental lifestyle changes and work your way up from there. Even boosting your step count by 1,000 steps per day is a great place to start, along with removing refined sugars, excess alcohol and sugary drinks from your diet.

Other ways to approach weight loss

Sometimes it can feel like you're doing everything right, but you're just not seeing the weight loss results you hoped for.

If you've made healthy diet plans and changes to your exercise routine but you're still struggling through the weight loss process, it might be time to consider weight loss medication under the advice of a healthcare professional.

A weight loss program that combines science-backed weight loss medication as well as lifestyle coaching and a supportive team of like-minded women (like Juniper) can help you reach your weight loss goals, holistically.

Juniper’s Weight Reset Programme uses Wegovy, a GLP-1 medication containing semaglutide, and combines it with a lifestyle and coaching programme for a biological and behavioural reset. That means you'll be able to make the life changes you need to shed that excess weight.

Medications like Wegovy are steadily becoming a popular weight loss solution, but they're not a silver bullet for losing weight. They're just one aspect of multiple lifestyle changes you will likely make to lose weight and keep it off.

The most sustainable way to lose weight is to ensure you are under the guidance of evidence-based healthcare professionals who know the ins and outs of weight loss. No 2 weight loss regimes will be the same, as every person's physical makeup is different.

If you want a tailored weight loss solution that is backed by a growing body of scientific evidence, have a look at Juniper's Weight Reset Programme.

Designed by medical doctors and dietitians, our programme includes tailored treatments, 1:1 health tracking, lifestyle coaching and access to a private community full of women who are on a similar health journey to you. We set you up to achieve long-term weight loss success and help you make a change in your life.

Curious about real patient outcomes? Explore Juniper before and after transformations.


How much weight do you lose before you notice?

According to the CDC, you need to lose 5-10% of your initial body weight to start noticing visible changes [9].

What are the first signs of weight loss?

Here are a few telltale signs you've started to lose weight: your clothes feel looser, your measurements have started to shift, you feel better (both physically and mentally), you're not constantly hungry, you've started to notice some muscle definition, and your chronic pain is improving.

Which body part loses fat first?

There's no one answer to this question — it's different for everyone. However, generally speaking, women may notice fat loss first in their lower body (so, hips, thighs, and buttocks), while men may notice it around their midsection.

Image credit: Getty Images

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